Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Is Barack Obama a Fagin?

This is just meant to be a laugh, so please calm yourself. I am not democrat, republican, or independent. I am codependant.

Today, a man forced himself into your children’s classrooms and attempted to touch their…hearts. Who is this man? Who is vying for the attention and affection of your children while you are working for your hard earned American dollars? The man is someone called Barack Obama. Where were the teachers and school administration during this molestation of your children’s minds? They were acting the part of the Artful Dodger to Obama’s Fagin. Obama is like Fagin. Look at the facts.

Fagin corrupted the minds of youths by convincing them it was alright to steal from hard working Ameri…Englishmen. The money was then given to Fagin so he could redistribute the wealth. In other words, Fagin was a socialist just like Obama.

Don’t let your innocent children be swept up into Obama’s army of urchins. You have to act now because Obama is very well spoken and we all know the lure of the hip hop culture. Rappers have been known for their “ability” to change the meaning of words. Just remember how the word “bad” came to mean “good” because of people like Michael Jackson. Obama, like rappers, has this gift, so you should read his speech with a discerning eye to find the code words.

Let’s begin with the overall message of responsibility and trying hard. This is obviously enlisting your children into the socialist party. He is saying that you will be rewarded for your hard work by your government. He is replacing parents with government. Government will tuck you in at night and read you a story. Government will pack your lunch for school. Government knows what is best for you. Government will always love you. Do you want your children raised by the government? Picture a bright Orwellian day when your child turns you in because you say something disrespectful about the government. It could happen tomorrow.

Next, let’s look at the role model children that Obama gave as examples. Jazmin Perez couldn’t speak English when she started school. Now she is on her way to being Dr. Jazmin Perez. Try to read between the lines. First of all, Jazmin is an illegal alien. Second, her becoming a doctor means she is taking that job away from honest Americans. Third, she is in graduate school studying public health which means she is getting ready to work in the new Obama Care system. Sounds like she knew something before the rest of us? Yeah, well you missed the information because it probably wasn’t said in English.

Andoni Schultz and Shantell Steve are examples because they sound exotic. This is real trickery on his part. Don’t let the example of these two overcoming obstacles such as cancer and gangs persuade you to be a socialist. Be vigilant.

Towards the end, Obama attempted to reach the youth by invoking the name of J.K. Rowling. Don’t think that this was just an attempt to share a story of overcoming obstacles. Instead be aware of the blatant attempt at dark magic. Everyone knows J.K. Rowling’s books are about kids and witchcraft. Don’t let your children be swept up by this American, non magic, black Dumbledore. Let your schools know that we will not tolerate witchcraft in American schools.

What was missing from Obama’s story of perseverance is all of the white men that made this country great. Why didn’t he mention just one of them? Perhaps it is because he is a socialist.

I ask that each of you do the right thing. In response to Obama’s speech, you should take your children out of school the next time he decides to give one of his speeches. No test or class is so important that your children should have to hear his socialist rants. I had rather they fail. You are responsible for your children. It is not up to the president to inspire your children. Inspiring your children is your job. Inspiring other people’s children is typical socialist behavior. Remember, it is better to prevent other people’s opinions infecting your children rather than arming them with the ability to decide for themselves. Anything else is socialism.

“Men who look on nature, and their fellow-men, and cry that all is dark and gloomy, are in the right; but the somber colours are reflections from their own jaundiced eyes and hearts. The real hues are delicate, and need a clearer vision.” Charles Dickens


Kirsten said...

I was FURIOUS to learn that Obama/Fagin was encouraging America's children to stay in school, do their homework, and go to college. What a socialist agenda! I, for one, will not be encouraging my child to do ANY of these things. Disgusting commie propaganda.

PS: Seriously, what is your obsession with Fagin and the Artful Dodger?

Jonathan said...

I would not call it an obsession. I only ask you to call me the Artful Dodger in private.

MarkEzraStokes said...

Jonathan, this was an INCREDIBLY enjoyable read. Please send it to The Onion or a similar publication ASAP! No joke. It's very timely and deserves an audience.

Kirsten said...

Mark, I'm glad you said that. I always tell Jon what a humorous writer he is but he doesn't believe anything that I tell him.

Kasey said...


You are a disgusting fundamentalist and your closed-minded Fox News agenda makes me sick.

Jonathan said...

Thanks Mark and Kirsten. Very nice of you both.


Fox is fair and balanced. You would know that if you would watch it instead of Anderson Stalin Cooper and Keith Hitler Olbermann.
I am sending you a subscription to Rush Limbaugh's new night time address called Laying Down With Limbaugh.

alicia said...

Mark's comment leads me to believe that Jon himself wrote this . . . would this be true? If so, on, you are incredibly talented and you should send this to someone with the forum to publish it. The Dickens Journal perhaps . . . ? Glad to see you blogging again!

K A R I™ said...

Tomorrow when my 4 year old whines that he doesn't want to go to school I am going to tell him that not only is he letting down himself, but also his country.

Jonathan said...

Thanks Alicia.

Kari - Tell Lucas that complaining about school is a slippery slope to socialism. I am sure that will help him see things clearly.