Thursday, December 21, 2006

Well mannered frivolity

It was close race between my current "memoirs of a jovial caucasian male" and "well mannered frivolity". I just like it.

I have had a couple of strands of ideas in my head that don't really amount to much, but out they come.

Who actually calls the numbers on bathroom stalls? Who writes it on the stalls? Sometimes I imagine a guy sitting by the phone just waiting to give a good time to the next lucky caller. Why did he opt for the stall over a newspaper ad. Perhaps it is because the newspaper wouldn't allow him to specify how he would give a good time, and the stall is more romantic anyway. I would like to read a love story that begins, "We met by chance. I looked up, saw his number on the wall, and knew this was the man for me. Our love grew from that lonely day in the stall to 40 years of bliss and good times."

BEIJING, Dec. 19 -- Asian Games silver medallist Santhi Soundarajan of India has failed a sex test and will be stripped of her medal.

The report calls it a sex test, not gender test.
I feel sorry for this lady. There is no proof or even beginnings of proof that she did anything wrong. She has too many of the wrong chromosome. She is how she is. It just doesn't seem fair, and I feel so sorry for her that reporters are hounding her and her village.

I did a double take in Spartanburg last week when I saw a pregnant woman lighting up a cigarette. She doesn't believe the doctors. I hope nothing bad comes to the baby from her need for nicotine. It is hard for me to believe people still don't see the possible side effects it might have on a kid. My mom quit the cancer sticks in the 60's for my sister, but hey, who really knows!

Kirsten and I have been exclusive for 9 years. Almost a decade with my lady love. 9 years with the person who convinced me to come clean about peeing in the ocean. I am very thankful for my beautiful friend and wife. I hate being away.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'm a Man

Spell it M-ahhh. A. N. I'm a man.

The Bo Diddley song played in my head this weekend as I attempted a little manly task with Mark (Kasey's fiance) and Stevie (nephew).

Sunday was the meeting of the families. Mark's parents came for lunch to meet Kasey's parents. Mark's car had a blowout as he, his parents, and Kasey drove in a caravan to her sister's house in the Ludo.

It was somehow decided that Stevie, now 15, should get the experience in changing tires, and this would be a great opportunity. I drove Mark and Stevie to the car stranded on the side of the road.

I want to pause to say that I have long been resigned to the fact that I am the least mechanically capable of the clan. I embrace it and know that I have some other, I hope, qualities that I bring. With that being said, I know how to change a tire and had felt pretty confident in at least that.

Things began a little slow. The car was jacked, and the old tire had been taken off. It was decided to jack up the car just a little...the car lurched forward and fell on the jack. I had a feeling something like this might happen.

None of us attempted anything. We accepted defeat and Stevie called Keith (his dad) to come help us. Mark, Stevie, and I threw rocks at a log protruding from a dirt pile until Keith came to the rescue. The tire was finished in about 5 minutes, and we were able to return home sans dignity.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

8 miles to Prosperity

I actually passed through Prosperity this week. I just like that. I hope to pass through it on the way home.

I love the Pass It On billboards. I have attached a few. They make me smile. Dolly Parton also makes me smile. I hope to drive through Prosperity listening to Dolly sing 9 to 5 and then see a Pass It On billboard.

Friday, December 01, 2006

If you're going my way

My Thursday was the opposite of Brandi's.

Wednesday, about 9:05, I received a call from my boss. She wanted me to go to the Spartanburg store in the morning to help the store's manager with a visit from the CEO, President, and VP of operations. The visit came on quick. We knew they were planning a visit, but were not sure of time line. Due to weather, Spartanburg had moved from one of the first on the visit to the last. Jody wouldn't be able to make the last leg due to another trip she had to go on. So, I was just a filler to help with the visit. Now, my role wasn't big, but it is still the CEO, President, and VP coming. I had seen them at the meetings in Orlando, but they were always on stage. Plus I only had jeans packed because I am helping to build a store this week. The phone call came after 9 which meant all the clothing stores were closed. I happen to be staying in the only place that doesn't have a Wal-Mart/Target within tobacco spitting distance.

My day began at dawnish (5am). I went downstairs to get directions to a Wal-Mart. Some kind of other clothing would be needed. I received my directions from the breakfast lady (given her name because she makes the breakfast at the hotel). I started on my way, but I began to feel unsure as the trip took me further and further from civilization. I started to curse myself for having ever trusted another soul with directions. I ended up on the interstate headed to Atlanta. I could not find a road to turn off on. I turned off when I finally found an exit. Miracle o' miracles, it was exactly where she had told me about (she had left out the highway part). I got my clothes, and took this as the first omen of a good day.

Next, I took a trip to Starbuck's. The people were the most friendly in the entire world. I truly believe that completing my order was the highlight of their day, and they were uplifted by the opportunity to help me. At least, that is what they made me feel like. I have said it before, but tres cheers for Starbuck's enthusiasm. Second omen of goodness.

The executive trio flew in (private jet--apparently we time share a jet to save cost) and I greeted them as they came in. We weren't expecting them yet, and I just happened to be at the front when they approached the store. I greeted them, and they were very nice. The visit was quick, and they were encouraging. I was surprised by how much info they had scraped up on the staff. I gave Doug (Spartanburg GM) the nickname Pappy in Orlando, and it stuck. Bruce (president) comes in and refers to him as Pappy. They knew about my travel situation as a bench GM, and they asked me how it was going. It is those little things that make you think that you are actually on the radar. All I can keep saying is nice. They were. At times, you almost forget that you are talking to the folks that make the decisions. Usually you make suggestions that push uphill. We were making suggestions at the top of the hill.

To top the whole day off, it was a Thursday night line up of Earl, Office, and Scrubs. I worked until 7:30, picked up my dinner, and made it to the hotel room at 7:55. Clockwork in the hizouse.

Love is good, and today was a good day.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I would like for DJ Qualls to play a superhero. Why do pretty people always have to get the roles? (No offense DJ) If you had supernatural ability, would you also have to have good looks?

They have not done one in a while, but I always enjoy watching the 20/20 special on ugly vs. pretty in job interviews. Without fail, the pretty people are always preferred. The interviewer seems to find qualities that just don't exist in the pretty folks. The interviewer wills those talents to be there.

I have been listening (not to be confused w/ reading) a book about Abraham Lincoln. It describes how unappealing he was when compared to some of the other candidates. People were awe-struck by his presence when they actually met him. They just didn't expect it. Do we really put that much weight in looks when judging personality?

Similar to how Lincoln was judged, Grant was considered too short to be a general. His height made people question his ability to lead. No wonder Napoleon was pissy.

It is amazing how much we critique the things on others that can't (w/out surgery) change.

No particular incident has caused this line of thought. The text in the book just made me think about how much weight we put into looks.

Let us all be more tolerant of the ugly.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rainy day for the Husky one

Have you ever watched the reality show that has the high speed car chase? You are usually watching from an aerial view, and you can see the car speeding towards a busy intersection. Your gut tells you that the car isn't going to make it. You see the dump truck coming from a side street, and (boom) they hit just like you predicted. I had a similar experience this morning, but it was an aerial view of me fat tum busting through the intersection of my pants. I am a size hmphhrmmuhum, but I guess I am putting on a few "traveling" pounds. My eyes darted back and forth from the button to the whole it was supposed slip into. "Not gonna do it." I managed to pull them tight, fasten, and hold my breath for 5 minutes while I put my shoes on. I finally came to grips w/ my bigness, and decided I needed to try other pants. Luckily, that first pair was just a rebel in the midst of allies. I tried on a rookie pair of khakis, and thanks to Betsy they fit. I knew it would be an uphill battle to keep this day positive.

1. My bloated stomach was still hurting from a BBQ chicken pizza I ate the night before. I really should stick to a strong "Don't eat unlikely combinations" policy.

2. It is rainy, chilly, and windy.

3. I forgot my lunch upstairs, and had to go back for it.

4. I forgot my new hair cream, and will be forced to buy a substitute (I can't go around w/ my white mans afro).

5. My deodorant ran out. It is a gel. I did one arm, and then nothing else came up. Booooooh! Their should be a better indicator.

6. A "silkie" came in today w/ a mission to pee on everything, and succeeded. Her "grandmother" just laughed, and said "She left you some more at the front, I guess she was waiting to get inside." I have no idea how so much urine could be in one teency bladder. The first 2 times were normal, but she was just messing w/ me after that. I ask all pet owners to kindly clean up after your own mongrel....I mean pet.

Twas my day. Highlights included a lovely chicken pot pie. It just dawned on me that "fatty" here found his highlights in the food. No wonder I am gaining weight.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Haven't you always wanted a monkey?

It is amazing how many times the topic of winning the lottery has come up over my life. Just the other day a woman, un-provoked, told me her thoughts on the lottery and what she would do if she won. It took her a while to get to the point because she had to first tell me how she doesn't believe in the lottery due to statistics of actual winners, higher likelihood of blah blah, and it isn't practical (I guess). After the back story of what brought her to this point in her life, not believing in the lottery, she told me that she would continue to work, and maybe travel a little. She seemed to pride herself on how very little her life would change.

Folks, I don't know what came over me. If I was in the "Golden Harp" episode of Duck Tales, the harp would say, "He is fibbing, fibbing, fibbbiiiiiing." I agreed with her, but did say that I would travel more. Upon further reflection, I must admit that I would be so far opposite of her version, even Hammer would tell me to slow it down a bit. Maybe Hammer is the wrong one to use as an example because it would not be gaudy, meaningless stuff.

My house is fine, but we would have to move to some place more secluded. The first step in being rich is to move away. I would quit my job in a Chevy heartbeat. Kirsten and I would travel like Brangelina. I would start charity programs, and try to do some actual good with the money. I ,unfortunately, don't have many specifics on the doing good part. I can tell you exactly where I would travel, but I am hazy on the whole giving money away part. I am sure that I would donate money though. I do have a heart. I would work, but it would be on my terms. It would probably be for charity (See how I worked charity back in?).

I don't buy in on the folks who would continue to live "normal". Most people who win the big lottos end up broke, and I bet they all said that they would continue to work. The issue probably is that we are concerned with what it sounds like to say we would stop working. Are we afraid of being perceived as lazy? Does it really matter?

The other part of this is her need to explain to me why she doesn't believe in the lottery. Do people think I will think them crazy for having unlikely dreams? If they only could see in my head. I imagine myself, if I ever got the chance, getting along smashingly with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Angelina, Zach Braff, Jimmy Fallon, Tina Fey, and many more. Is it unlikely? Sure, but many things play out in my head. I can somehow imagine in my head the chance encounter with a famous type that ends in their realization of me being their long lost friend. I am not crazy, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.

I want to tell people daydreams are ok. I am pro-daydreams. They keep me sane, or at least mostly sane. I think that might be an upcoming blog.

It's a great day for a daydream. I hope you all have great ones today. Don't crush the dreams of folks who are only clinging to reality for the chance of winning ticket.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Jaime Garza (Hispanic)

I don't like to gripe, but I have one or two gripes to throw out right now.

First, I am quite irritated by one of my online classmates. He always puts Spanish words into his responses, and follows them by the English translation in parentheses. You might say he is helping bridge the divides recently highlighted by the discussions over immigration. I would tell you I don't care because it is annoying, and annoying me has never won me over. I am a fan of immigration. I think it is complete bunk to make English the "official" language of America, but Jaime Garza is single handedly driving me to the other side. If he signs one more response with Gracias (Thank you), I will personally start sealing the border myself. Jaime recently told us of his Tias (Aunts), Tios (Uncles), and other parts of his familia (family). I don't know why, but it just makes me enojado (angry). Jaime was born in America. Why, oh why, does he have to give everyone a Spanish lesson. Sweet pete it drives me bonkers.

Second, people who complain about the South, North, West Coast, East Coast, Mid West, Middle America, North America, South America, Canada, Europe, etc. Why? What has any of those folks really done to you. I had a lady going on and on about how people say ya'll in the south. On and on she went. I said, "Sorry about that." What was she expecting? Should I take on a roll similar to Jaime, and start saying, "Ya'll (you all--a southern expression meaning to incorporate many people at one time. Have pity on us poor southerners. We don't know much. Sorry ya'll)" Why get upset over it? Does it physically hurt you to hear "ya'll"?

So, I don't care that:
The south is slower
The north has more things to do
The west coast is more laid back
The mid west is the heartland
Canada and Europe have universal health care
People speak differently....EVERYWHERE! (it isn't polite to mock)Northerners are rude
Southerners say hello to everyone

I try not let things bother me. I feel that I can now face Jaime with armonia (peace) in my corazon (heart).

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Get some orbits for that dirty mouth.

I met a young lady today who can't seem to figure out how to talk without peppering her conversation with cuss words. I have met many like her, and I find it very distracting. I will admit that I was pretty crafty with my foul mouth as a kid, but dirty words lost their "fun". I can't see how cussing is needed in common conversations. If anything it throws the rhythm of conversation off the track (at least it does for me). If you are talking to me and then creatively slip in a cuss word, I blink. I think, "Did you just cuss?" I wonder what has gotten you so riled up. Then, if your sentence doesn't match your cuss word, I wonder why you tried to use it. I completely slip off onto my on tangent in my mind. The point is that it is not needed. I know you are grown up, and can use "bad" words. As Shania would say, "That don't impress me much."

As for the lady I mentioned at the beginning, I think I must have blinked too many times. She apologized to me and said she doesn't know why she cusses so much. I didn't say anything to her about it, but she was obvisouly aware. So, she was conciously trying to cuss? Maybe I was supposed to be impressed by what a rebel she was.

I don't know what part of me is a prude, and what part just likes to keep things simple. Cussing is having to use too much of my brain. Why add the extra words into my day? I already fatigue so easily.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Fortune Cookie

I have been a fan of Chinese food and fortune cookies for as long as I can remember. I am saddened by the changes that have happened to them over the years.

It used to be a simple piece of wisdom, but now we are a multi-tasking society. How is a fortune cookie supposed to fit in? They started by adding the lotto numbers. Now we have the "learn Chinese" portion added. Such a small piece of paper to try to handle so much.

The last straw is that the quality of "wisdom" is declining. Proof is in the last of my most recent fortunes.

"Everyone has ambition"

"If you never change your mind, why have one?" Ya-zi means Duck in Chinese.

So, now I will try my hand at writing for fortune cookies.

"Whoever smelt it, dealt it."


"Wooyup, wooyup, wooo! He's a big bear!"

"Your mama!"

"Just give up. You don't have a chance"

"Don't put all your egg rolls in one basket."

"Do you think you are turning Japanese?"

Plan to see my fortune cookies soon. Feel free to make your own fortune cookies.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Free Bird

About 3 months ago, I was traveling from Augusta to Raleigh. I am so used to seeing hands in mock flying fashion out of the sides of cars that I almost missed the special message the passenger of one "classic" automobile was giving to all those special enough to pass. The driver was driving in the fast lane, so that a passing car (forced to pass in the slow lane) would not miss the message.

An angry youth was flicking us all off.

I pulled along side them, and kind of just looked. I don't think I gave the desired reaction, because they just stared at me as I was laughing.

I guess I am not offended by 4 angry semi-teens in a beat up oldsmobile. I was able to see that they were flicking off the world, and not me in particular. With that in perspective, I applaud their brave attempt to strike back at the evil doings all of society has inflicted upon them. Shame on us for not giving them everything they want, and forcing them to have to reatalite by driving down the interstate waving their disappointment at strangers.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Liberal Conservative

I am starting my own party. Not Republican, or Democrat in nature. I am now a Liberal Conservative. Next election will have stories about a new force that turned out at the polls. My turnout will be compared to the Christian right in '04, but they will have to acknowledge my groups shear number makes that comparison unfair. Liberal Conservatives will fight to bring unity to our nations capital. Many moderates from the both sides of the political spectrum will join the party and gladly tell the media how they have been waiting for this kind of opportunity. Straight party line votes will be a thing of the past. Honest discussion will be the key. Media groups will be thankful, because never again will they be demonized for reporting the news. We will not run on divisive issues, but instead choose to focus on whatever the REAL current issues are. We believe in working, self-sufficient families similar to what the Republicans express they are for, but we will never fail to help those in society that don't fit that picture. We know that sometimes you just need help. In a line very similar to the play Wicked, "That's why we have a government." We will help our teachers get schools back on track with a real focus on the youth, inner city and out. Aside from the basics, we want to teach them about other cultures and society, so they can be better global citizens. To those who attack us for being un-American due to our focus on global citizenship, we won't respond. America will be tired of those kind antics by then, and recognize the need to melt our concept of borders. We will finally be willing to make the sacrifices needed to reach out to the world.

I guess this is long enough. I am sorry for making a political blog, but it has been on my mind.

Monday, October 02, 2006

When it becomes your home.

Growing up, I never felt like my house was anything other than my home. I felt safe and comfortable. I might not have had the most normal childhood, but I never questioned the comfort I felt from those drafty walls. There were defining moments. There is no place better to be when you were sick. My old comfortable bed that was molded to fit my skinny, farmer tanned body. If I had a bad day at school, I couldn't wait to escape to my home to get away.

I thought I could make home anywhere when I got older. I moved away from home as soon as the opportunity came. I moved to Savannah, and took on a room-mate. It had been his apartment, and I moved into his home. I never felt like it was truly mine. I married Kirsten, and we sought out our own apartment. It was kind of home, but not quite homey. We moved to another apartment, and that felt a little more homey. I sometimes wondered if I could ever return to that unquestionable feeling of warmth, love, and "just rightness" that I had felt as a child.

As I left my house Saturday night, I looked from my driveway at 151 Brooklyn Way. The grass was freshly cut by Kirsten, and trimmed by me. We had pulled weeds together. We had spent the weekend cooking and eating at home. Our two girls were home and safe. All of the lights outside of the house were on. It was a dark fall night, and the weather was just starting to turn a bit chilly. My wife looked at me from the other side of the window. I could see the warm light of the living room, and her waving me goodbye. It is a defining moment now engraved in my mind. My house became my home.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I am sorry/The Witch is alive!

I spend a lot of time saying I am sorry. I say sorry for things that I am not sorry about. I say sorry for things I have no control over. I say sorry in places that don't require sorry. I don't like being sorry all of the time, and I am sorry about that. I am not sure where I got the idea to apologize for everything, but I fight to not say it so much. Sometimes it is my way of saying, "I sympathize." Sometimes it is just me apologizing for something that I don't have any part in, and those are the ones I hate the most. It is as annoying to me as "um" is to some of you. I say it without thinking so much that I wonder if I am really sorry, or just have good reflexes.

Does anyone else suffer from similar annoying habits? Feel free to tell on yourself.

***Overheard leaving Wicked***

As Kirsten and I were leaving Wicked, I heard a young boy (not older than 7) saying, "She's alive! The movie makes you think she died, but she has been alive the whole time. She's alive!"

I just thought it cute how the boy was not only amazed at the Witch's ability to survive, but how the musical had converted him into her camp. (Not to ruin it, but the "not so" wicked Witch is alive)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Me and Dunkin

Liking Dunkin Donuts goes against something deep inside of me. I believe in a clean environment and good service. Unfortunately, Dunkin rarely offers me either. They have good coffee(nay, great coffee), and I usually don't feel like a schmuck when I buy it. I tell myself that it is the working persons coffee. Good taste with no frills. The problem is that a large coffee is almost 2 bucks. How can that be a working person's coffee? I am a bit embarrassed to say the cost because I know what the mammoth quantity of Folgers goes for. Six dollars.

I have somehow convinced myself that it is ok. Maybe it is because I like being on the side of the underdog, and Starbucks is, without a doubt, the Goliath from Seattle.

Still, I feel that one of these folks smiling at me would be the least they could do when I am trying the best I can to save their company that seems near extinction. Instead, I am made to feel like my orders are a nuisance (regardless of how easy they are), and my entry just before closing is a crime. It is just coffee. How can my coming in before close cause any problems? It is water and grounds. It is not like you have to fire up the grill, or make such a great effort. I am not putting you behind in anyway. You will still get out at 10:07.

All I ask is that they show me some little sparkle. Tease me. Jest goes a long way. For now, I am just addicted.

Loving someone that won't love me back.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Old Tattoo

I had the pleasure of breakfast at Waffle House a few days ago. I love to see such a mixture of people, and the Waffle House never disappoints. I prefer a booth that allows me to see people as they come and go, but the hustle and bustle of a Sunday Morning would not permit. I sat at the counter. One of the ladies in the kitchen was singing hymns (it is Sunday after all). A couple in the corner caught my eye. The woman seemed to be going into her sixties. She was decked out in the colors of Spring. Her husband, I assume, is James Brown. He looked like it anyway. The James Brown that got arrested for going on a rampage. The only difference was his eyes. His eyes were very gentle and comforting. I found myself staring at him, and I knew that I would like him if I knew him. I imagine him to be a gentle mannered joker. He would make a great grandfather. The pair did not look like a match, but their body language suggested a love that had depth and firm rooting. Some hint to this improper duo was a faded tattoo on the lady's arm. A clue to what might have brought about a love that, I can only imagine, has survived decades. If her shirt had sleeves, or if the tattoo was in some nether region, I might not have ever guessed. This couple still doesn't know me, but we are friends. I am thankful to them for the days since then that I have thought about the paths we go down in our life. I get so focused on my life, and my day, that I don't take notice to the people who are around me. What interesting lives we lead. Our normal is another's fantastic. Our victory is another's loss.

Everyone seems more human when you look at them from their side of the story.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Stink Positive

Raleigh is bracing for the Tropical Storm to hit. I have seen footage of some of the flooding that happens up her and it is crazy. They really screwed up some of these areas that are brand new. One of their brand new malls was built in a valley. It showed footage last year where the water was over the top of cars!

Anyway, we have had two conference calls in the past two days on evacuation prep. The animals are a top concern, and we have to be prepared. There is a particular manager who would not usually be characterized as Mr. Energy, but he seems to light up when preparing for disaster. He is really enjoying thinking about all the things that might go wrong. I think he might kind of want the worst of it to blow on land. I hate to say that.

Do you know people like this? People who always have to focus on the negative. People that always have something tragic going on. Although they are complaining, it seem like they wouldn't want it any other way.

Bless their heart.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Jesus cleans my room

I usually leave the "Do Not Disturb" notice on my door while I am gone during the day. I like to leave my laptop out, and I don't like to take chances.

I had a letter on my door when I got to my room tonight.

Dear Guest,

Because the "Do Not Disturb" sign was displayed, we did not clean your room today. If you would like clean towels, linen or any other service, please call the front desk.


I just found this amusing. Jesus knocked, and I didn't let him in.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

"We always wanted more"

Four of us went to eat at Johnny Rockets after church today. Kirsten, Kasey, Mrs. Donna, and I were all sitting at the table trying to decide what we wanted to order. Mrs. Donna (Kirsten and Kasey's mom) told me that this reminded her of when she was a little girl and would go with her family to the drug store after school. They had just enough money to all get sodas and share a basket of fries. She said she loved those times, but they always wanted more.

It hit me as soon as it came out of her mouth. I think it sums up the era of the baby boomers. They always wanted more. I wonder if we haven't lost a bit of that. We have grown accustomed to just getting what we want. When we have more than what we need, what happens? That hunger for more led for amazing changes and break-throughs. I feel irrelevant in history. What will my lethargic, well-fed body give to future generations? I hope that I always keep that hunger for more. America is a great country. Awesome. What if we could build an even better world? Their hunger helped build a great country. Our hunger could lift children out of poverty. We could unite countries. We could help end injustices everywhere. We could fight disease.

We just have to always want more.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Baby Lori

The PETCO in Concord, NC is raising baby lories. They have to hand feed them everyday. A grown Lori is a beautiful bird, and a great pet. The babies are an unbelievable sight. I thought something was wrong when I first saw them. Their feathers are uneven and their appearance is awkward. There are only a few signs of the beautiful birds they will become.

I met a guy who, three years ago, I would have probably not thought much of. He was going through rough times, and being hit from every side. He has fought hard to work himself back. He never gave up. I am so ashamed of myself for ever judging anyone. It is amazing how people change. How someone can make an influence in their life. All we need is something, or someone to latch onto. All we need is encouragement.

I can't tell you how many times I hear folks say, "you can't change people", or "people never change." Yet, they believe themselves capable of change. Don't we as Christians put heavy emphasis on this belief? Why are we constantly dismissing the abilities of those around us? Why do we focus on the ugly of mankind? We salivate at the thought of damage we would inflict on the guy that cut us off in traffic. We immediately forget the lady that held the elevator for us. We have a tendency to grasp tightly the unkind elements of our brothers and sisters, while using a sifter for the good. Sifting out the good with excuses of hidden meaning.

Lately, I have been encouraged. I find myself looking for the good, and it is there. I am trying to smile on others. Sounds corny? You bet, and I love it. A smile is one of the first things a baby does, and it is contagious. One book suggests that a baby's smile is what makes a parent willing to get up every night to cries of unhappiness. That baby's smile. It identifies friend from foe, and you can't fake it (at least not convincingly).

Not sure where this was intended to go. Simple. Don't judge a book by its cover. Have faith in your fellow man. Lend him a helping hand. Put a little love in your heart.

Try positivity (My own word. I enjoy it. Just like strategery.)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Just me and my thoughts

It is true that you don't laugh as much by yourself. I think it was C.S. Lewis that said "a friendship begins when two people realize that they were not alone to an experience and laugh together." Laughter is the best medicine and it is the fertilizer to friendship. I remember my crush on Kirsten beginning with seeing a look of understanding in her eyes(actually it began with how hot she is). It seemed like we thought in the same patterns. I loved, loved, loved, and still love her laugh. Such a reserved person, and then out it flows. There is no mistaking when she really finds something funny. I love her laugh.

I find myself looking for her when I see something that I know we would enjoy together. She always wonders why I look at her during moments that I think are funny. It is not because I am waiting for her to laugh. It is because I love that feeling of connection.

Well here are some of the small moments from this week.

*Today, I had lunch at Quiznos. I like to sit by windows so I can watch people. Watching people (not as stalker) is one of my favorite things. I watched a little old lady finish up her salad and then walk out side. She was nicely dressed for spring in comfortable "old lady attire", but w/ some sassy leather sandals. I watched her walk outside to a beautiful day. A breeze caught her and the sun was shining. She stopped for a moment and seemed to be standing on her tip toes as she arched her face to the sun. She was taking in the day and its beauty. She was alone. I started telling myself stories as to why she was alone and what she was like. That is something Kirsten and I always do. We don't know you, but we will make up your story for you.

*I was coming out of the bathroom as a boyscout (really, he was in costume) was coming in. He had already passed through when he saw me coming to the door. He raced back to the door and opened it for me. Just when you lose faith in kids you find a nice one.

*I have had at least two older, "not all there" folks start up conversations with me. Crazy people flock to me. If Patricia Arquette is the medium to the dead, I am the equivalent in the crazy world.

Sorry so long. I know it had no reason to the rhyme.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Days Inn? No thank you.

I am working in Williamsburg, VA this week. The town is growing outward and we are opening up in one of the new centers (Kirsten-it will have a UKROPs). The GM for this new store was nice enough to book hotel rooms for Jody (our boss) and me. He had plenty of choices and we left the decision of where up to him. He chose Days Inn. I hope I don't come across as snooty, but this was not even a two star hotel. A newer building (Guest Services, Pool, Dining Area, and Fitness Center) had been constructed in front of the four story structure that actually contained the rooms. Very misleading when checking in. A lot could be fixed by just cleaning properly or having high speed internet, but they were unable to contribute either. I asked about high speed and the stellar service rep told me, "We are on the waiting list." Indeed. The bed was as hard as the floor and the bathroom was scary.

My boss told me that was my last night there. I checked out the next morning and am now in a trustworty Hampton Inn. Very nice. I gots my internet. I gots my clean room. I gots my nice guest services.

Not related to the story, but I miss my wife greatly. I know you will read this post, and (everyone else can pretend they are done) I love you entirely.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

An evening with Wayne Brady

I am at the PETCO Convention/Trade Show and tonight's entertainment was the great Wayne Brady. The show was hilarious and everything I thought "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" would be. He finished the night with song suggestions. I heard classics from:
  • Creed -"Are They Fake or Real?" sung to "Arms Wide Open" and based off a Hooters Experience
  • NSync - "I want a butler monkey". You get the idea of the song, but it was sung to "Bye, Bye, Bye"
  • Ozzy - A great song about Mel Gibson and his recent comments about those of Jewish heritage (Mind Train).
  • Rod Stewart - "Today I flushed my favorite friend!" sung to "You are so Beautiful"
  • and my absolute favorite. "Hamster Milk" sung to "Purple Rain"

It was a very fun night!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I like Harry Potter!

I really do. JK Rowling, John Irving, and Stephen King were at a conference last week. The great Rowling let us know that 2 of the main characters will die in the last book (I gasped) and that Harry lives (Temporary relief until I remembered Hermoine and Ron).

I thank JJ for giving me such a treasure.

It shall be a most awesome midnight madness when this final joy comes out.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Even pretty people get cheated on!

Everyone is amazed that a man could cheat on Christy Brinkley. "She is just pretty!" I think we all too often get the wrong answers when we ask the wrong questions. We assume women cheat because they are unsatisfied sexually or mentally with their relationship. We assume men cheat because the other woman is sexier. Not to say that these can't sometimes be true answers, but I think that there is something more to add. Men are not always blinded with lust (1% of the time we use our brains). Some women are the aggressors in extra-marital affairs. Notice that I don't think anyone who takes part in an affair is a victim. We are so very capable of chosing our course in life and to suggest otherwise is a lie at best.

I could say that people who cheat just suck and are mean. I don't think that is right entirely. I think they are selfish. That is the core. They might be selfish only for an instant, but it counts. It might be a counter-attack to a cheating/abusive/unsupportive spouse. But paybacks are always about selfishness.

Most importantly. I think it is funny how we look on the "pretty" people. I, not being one, am forever looking at Brad Pitt. I think he must be funny and smart. I don't know him, but I just get a feeling. My feeling probably comes from the fact that he is pretty and he MUST be funny and smart. People assume that Mrs. Brinkley must be a sex pot always on the prowl because that is how sexy women are and what guy would chance losing that. I don't know what their relationship was like. I am sure no one deserves to be cheated on. I hope she gets through this and the media passes on to the next story(for their kids sake).

She at least has her looks.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Keeping up with the Jones

I never thought I would do this. I have only been traveling three weeks, but I feel so out of touch with family and friends. I hope this is an easier way to catch up and to get out thoughts that bounce in my head. It is amazing what you uncover and see on the road and in hotels. I bounce from blog to blog trying to keep up and wishing to post my own thoughts. JJ's blog gave me the final push.

It really just comes down to being included.

Please be my friends.