Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Anger and Outrage!

What is the one thing that causes you to flip and act like a complete lunatic? I mean mommy dearest, no wire hangers, kind of angry. I often get a little nutty when fast food establishments are mean with an extra side of rude. I consider it personal and fully believe it was intentional. I have driven the ten minute ride back to the restaurant for my missing burger or fries. True story, ask Kirsten.

I have witnessed my father become a screaming, red-faced, madman stomping and throwing his hat when Sam's failed to open the extra line. I have witnessed Kirsten...I have never witnessed Kirsten do anything but show kindness and constraint.

Tell me a time when you lost it and showed your ugly side. You kind of have to respond to this or it looks like I don't have any friends, and that really tees me off.


JJ said...

The only time I show my ugly side is when I'm feeling downright cranky (which happens a lot lately, come to think of it). As a general rule, we're not supposed to have drinks in the library, but our boss says we can have coffee as long as we're discreet about it. So, I came in with my coffee one day, but the usual security guard wasn't there and some teeny old lady was sitting in her place. She told me I couldn't have the coffee in the library, but I kindly (at first) said I was an employee and that my boss had approved it. She meekly told me no, that it wasn't allowed. I guess it was her quiet demeanor that made me angry because after a minute or two of this exchange I said, very condescendingly, "Look, it's okay if I bring it in!" It's not like I added a dirty word or anything, but I still felt rotten. She was just doing her job and I could have let her have that round, but I didn't.

Oh, and then there was that time when I wanted to buy more prepaid minutes at T-Mobile and usually when I do, the salespeople ask me if I want to enroll in a plan and I always say no politely, but this one lady wouldn't let it go and kept hounding me about it and so I snapped at her and said, " No!" in a very loud and rude voice. I was so mortified, but c'mon. I said no. No means no. No, I don't want to apply for a New York and Company credit card. "Really? You can save 10% on your next purchase." Still polite, I say, "I appreciate the offer, but no thanks." The saleslady, "Are you sure?" I want to say to them, "Did I stutter?" One day, one of them will push me too far and I will.

Kirsten said...

What were you angered and outraged about?

I grew angry and outraged not too long ago at our idiot neighbor, Arlo. He would always cut our grass and make a big, fat mess on our driveway and leave it for me to clean up. Please not that I'm unable to turn on our blower, so I had to clean my driveway with a broom. Not to mention that Jon had already asked Arlo not to cut our grass. To make things short, he did it one day and I grew very angry and marched over to his yard (out of breath and carrying a broom and on the verge of hysteria) and asked him to not cut my grass every again.

I know he thinks I'm a crazy white girl, but that's okay because he's an idiot.

alicia said...

I get angry when people are rude to others or mean for no reason. The other day we went to lunch and one of the ladies with me ask for some more tea. The waitress said, "I just said I would go and get it when I came back by." Very snappy and grouchy like. It made me even madder when Ms. Smith acted like she was ashamed of being pushy. Rudeness and meanness - that is what makes me want to flip out. Oh, and when someone eats the last Pop-Tart and outs an empty box back in the cabinet. Crazy!

Jonathan said...

I just thought back to a little over a year ago when Kirsten, Mel, Kasey, and myself took a little trip to a place I like to call Universal Studios. We were dealing with the universal issue of line cutting. A group of "tourists" were acting like that their not being able to speak English caused them to cut line. Honestly, it was like 40 of them versus the four of us. We closed ranks and worked as a unit so that no one would get around us. Champions!

Later that day, it was Kasey who took the lead when a group of unsupervised youngsters made a dishonorable attempt at side-stepping us. Kirsten remebers it as Kasey yelling, "NO CUTTING!"

Ah, memories.

Kasey said...

Sorry this is late, but I really like the story about Universal Studios. I started to tell Mark about it, and he stopped me, saying that he already knew it. I guess I share it a lot. Good times.

JJ said...

Kirsten shared that story again while we were standing in line waiting for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to start. Some uppity little kids were about to sneak up on us.

By the way, Jon, I think it's time we all had a new post on our blogs. That means you, too, Kirsten.

Kasey said...

Kirsten and I implemented the body shield method at Carowinds, but we didn't have to use it at all. We did see a comrade in this serious fight when he made people jump over the fence instead of cutting through the entire line to make sure that they had friends waiting for them in line. It was touching.