Monday, July 31, 2006

Even pretty people get cheated on!

Everyone is amazed that a man could cheat on Christy Brinkley. "She is just pretty!" I think we all too often get the wrong answers when we ask the wrong questions. We assume women cheat because they are unsatisfied sexually or mentally with their relationship. We assume men cheat because the other woman is sexier. Not to say that these can't sometimes be true answers, but I think that there is something more to add. Men are not always blinded with lust (1% of the time we use our brains). Some women are the aggressors in extra-marital affairs. Notice that I don't think anyone who takes part in an affair is a victim. We are so very capable of chosing our course in life and to suggest otherwise is a lie at best.

I could say that people who cheat just suck and are mean. I don't think that is right entirely. I think they are selfish. That is the core. They might be selfish only for an instant, but it counts. It might be a counter-attack to a cheating/abusive/unsupportive spouse. But paybacks are always about selfishness.

Most importantly. I think it is funny how we look on the "pretty" people. I, not being one, am forever looking at Brad Pitt. I think he must be funny and smart. I don't know him, but I just get a feeling. My feeling probably comes from the fact that he is pretty and he MUST be funny and smart. People assume that Mrs. Brinkley must be a sex pot always on the prowl because that is how sexy women are and what guy would chance losing that. I don't know what their relationship was like. I am sure no one deserves to be cheated on. I hope she gets through this and the media passes on to the next story(for their kids sake).

She at least has her looks.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

I want to support your new blog by responding to all of your posts, but I really have no response to this. I love you though.